These Standoff Pictures Are Mine Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The latest Standoff update reveals an exciting mission coming soon in the mod's next episode. Images released today show off the team's new mine design, and there's even an amazing picture of a Clydesdale fleet laying a field of explosives. Eder also detailed the status of various incomplete sections in Episode 3. You can find more information at the Standoff website.

Videos and graphics are now nearly complete. I just need to render a couple cutscenes and finish off one of the splash screens. Tempest has also made some good progress in the voiceover area, but we can't work miracles there since other parts of the game depend on other people as well. Apart from that, some missions still need to be debugged, and Michael still needs to finish all the cutscene music. So, Episode 3 is close, but not quite here yet...

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Maj. Striker has posted a request for help over on the forums. He currently has an undisclosed project in the works and is trying to recruit three voice actors who are willing to record up to six lines for use in the project.
I'm in need of a few (three to be exact) voice actors to record a few lines for me for a little project I'm trying to do. It's nothing major I think the most I need is about 6 lines from anyone. I know there's some great voice talent out there in the CIC community as great mods like Standoff has shown. If you're interested shoot me an email at: If you could please include a couple of sample files with generic pilot lines like "He's on my six!" "All clear etc." That would help. I would greatly appreciate it. I'd love to give more details but right now I simply don't have them.
He isn't giving away any clues, but if his project work is anything like his artistic talent, it should be something to look forward to.

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