Wing Commander Mods for Space Empires IV Available Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Bob found another Wing Commander shipset for Space Empires IV at It incorporates designs from Wing Commander 3 through Prophecy and tries to assign Wing Commander ships more accurate roles than previous SEIV WC mods. Space Empires is a classic strategy 4X series that will get receive its fifth iteration some time next year. You can grab the old WC2 Confed and Kilrathi packs here and here. The new WC3-P pack is available here.
Wing Commander Confederation by Shapeshifter
The Confederation was made by the so called Human race. They have a pronounced history of killing each other that stretches back to the beginning of their race. As a result, they have become extremely proficient in the art of war. Humans are a peacefully aggressive species interested in expansion and exploration of the unknown.
Have fun with your so called peacefully aggressive ship pack!

Get Close To Mars Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's time to dig out your telescopes. Tomorrow will bring Mars much closer to Earth than usual - only 43.1 million miles. That might sound like a lot, but Mars usually sits about 140 million miles away. The planet made a similar pass in 2003, but its position on the horizon should make it more viewable this time. This will be the closest it gets before 2018. Mars will reach its nearest point at 11:25 pm US Eastern Daylight Time, and will appear as a tiny, brilliant ball unless you have binoculars or another magnification device.

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