Pioneer Status Report Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We've got a fairly comprehensive status report from the WC Pioneer team. I'll let BradMick take it.

Just a quick note to let you know where things are right now. Work is progressing rather well. The design document for the game is one page away from being completed, and we have the last few ships and a base interior in the pipe right now. The engine is up and running and in a bug test mode. Joel's got to sort out some minor things yet before we can show anything. Hope you guys are as excited to see it as we are!

We're nearing the end of the line for comments/suggestions for the Landreich ship textures. So, if you have anything you want to suggest or think may look neat, please drop us a line. We're looking at having that all wrapped up by the end of the week, as we've got to begin shifting gears to the next area of the graphical development, the bases.

All of the feedback we've received to date has been great! We really appreciate all of it. I'm going to work on compiling an official feature list once the design document is finished. That way everyone will know for sure what exactly they'll be getting from the game when it is finally released, whenever that may be. No dates yet, we're just kind of relaxing and taking it one step at a time with this. We all have lives and aren't out to burn ourselves either.

Also, I'll look at posting up some snippets of the story to let you all get a taste of what's in store for you all, unless I'm overruled by the team. Then you'll just have to wait. Please keep the feedback coming, and remember, this will be the last week to get your say in on the Landreich textures, so please let us know!

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