Holding The Line Chapter 204
Never one to miss a party, Raptor has sent in his own contribution to the celebrations on behalf of the HTL team. Don't forget to read on past the chapter description for the latest news on the new HTL site.

Hey all, Raptor hereHappy Birthday and many happy returns to the Wing Commander CIC, from me and all the HTL crew. You guys have done more than anyone to keep the Wing Commander community on the Internet thriving over these past few years. We're proud to have been associated with you in that time, and look forward to continuing the partnership in the future.
Our CIC birthday chapter is the first of a four-parter called "Check And Mate", written by myself and Joe "Wraith" Guida. This story signals the beginning of the end of the Nifelhiem battle, as the Yorktown and the Valeria begin closing in on the last of the Nephilim carriers. The sharp eyed among you will notice a gap between the last Valeria story (which had us preparing a strike against a Nephilim group codenamed Epsilon) and this one, which starts just after that strike. The chapter that slots in there is still being written, and will be published after "Check And Mate". Please send any and all comments to me at
or to Joe at captpowell1@earthlink.net. The story is at: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~theraj/archives/ch204.htm
The second half of our birthday present is a promisary note. As you know, we've been working hard on Holding The Line Dot Net, and were hoping to debut it for the CIC's birthday. Unfortunately, the site isn't quite ready yet. When it is ready though, it will be unveiled to the public here at the CIC, even before it is released on the Aces Mailing List.
Best, Raptor
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