These Are More Than Small Wooden Ships Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

CmdrPanda has a great arts & crafts item for us today. He has created a number of small scale miniatures for a tabletop game called Starmada X. His Wing Commander fleet has bested its Star Wars rivals in two major battles so far.
All four of these are made of balsa wood, with the guns made from steel wire, the engines from plastic tubing, and the armor plating from cardboard. I'll get the Confederation photographed as soon as I can. The different pictures are various views and some closeup shots of the Waterloo. Eventually I plan to get to Kilrathi ships too. The largest of these, the Bengal, is about 7 cm long and they're all to scale (1 cm to 100 meters).
He's looking for some shots at different angles in order to design more ships in the future. You can help provide feedback at here.

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Last up today is an older GameGal review of Freelancer. "Not exactly free of the Wing Commander legacy." I was kind of disappointed to see Microsoft passed on announcing a potential Freelancer sequel at this year's E3. At one point Freelancer 2 looked like a good bet, but space sims still appear to be battling for a presence in the market. Sometimes I talk about how magazines don't even hand out awards for "Best Simulation" anymore. I used to look forward to Wing Commander or Janes Combat Simulations competing with Mech Warrior or the latest Microsoft Flight Sim. This year Nintendogs won's official Best Simulation of E3 2005 award. On one hand that's kind of sad, and on the other, Nintendogs looks great and I'll probably get it the first day it comes out. The hotel's internet was down during the whole show, and we were too busy to get on from the convention center, so I had to resort to logging into #Wingnut via my cellphone while driving or waiting in lines. I would have gone crazy without it. It's great to finally be home.

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