Cyberion Opens Origin Memorial Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's already been a busy year for Cyberion, and we're only ten days into it! His latest project is a tribute to the many games that Origin has made over the years. We're all familiar with the Wing Commanders, Ultimas and Crusaders, but Cyberion's memorial lists everything from 2400 AD to Wings of Glory. There's also a little bit about the major project developers that worked for the company over the years. It's just in the beginning stages, and he's looking for feedback about the sort of things that would be appropriate to add. Box scans, system requirements and other information would also be helpful.

I've decided to create a special corner for this company as my sign of sincere gratitude for the things and games they made.

Now Deciding Privateer Remake Package Sizes Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Privateer Remake Team is trying to determine what size packages would best suit people interested in the upcoming fan project. They've taken some liberties with the scope of the game, beefed up the graphics and recorded new audio, so the release will be slightly bigger than the original. They have come up with four release scenarios ranging from 80 megs to 165 megs of required materials. You can let the team know whether you prefer to download individual components or get the release as one intact package. As someone who downloaded the full Secret Ops package on day one with my trusty 33.6 modem, it's a pretty easy choice for me. You can add your opinions here.

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