Time For A Change Of Wallpaper Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Cyberion can't have had time to rest, as since we last checked up on him only a few days ago, he has produced two new WC wallpapers. The first one takes a nice render of an Excalibur and puts a complete list of statistics next to it. The second picture is a great action shot of a Tiamat class dreadnought being taken out by three Murphy class destroyers and a pair of Plunkett class cruisers. The problem is: which one should I set as my desktop wallpaper?

I'm Not Sure What This Is Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This piece of art found here provokes so many questions - What is a Vampire and a Wasp doing out in the middle nowhere? Where did they get the deckchairs from? What happened to the Wasp's booster pack? Why did someone create this? Oh, and what the heck is actually going on here? I'll let you use your own imaginations to decide what this is all about, but chances are you'll be completely wrong.

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