Ships of the Animated Series: Grikath Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wing Commander 2's Kilrathi counterpart for the Broadsword serves the same role in Wing Commander Academy. The Grikath-class Heavy Fighter appears in episodes three, six, seven, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen. Its forward armament consists of three lasers... but where the Broadsword mounted impressive energy weapons, the Grikath has an enviable missile loadout. The fighter carries a grand total of fourteen missiles: four in wing racks, two in fuselage racks and eight in internal wing hardpoints. Two magnetic grapplers (tractor beams) are mounted on the wings.

Sky Captain Filmed WC3-Style Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow comes out in North America today, and the reviews so far are not bad. PeteyG found an article that discusses how it is the first feature film to utilize entirely computer generated backgrounds. While they are heavily promoting this fact for Sky Captain, we all know that Wing Commander 3 used this method a full ten years ago.
"Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow" is the first feature film to be shot entirely against a blue screen with backgrounds filled in later using computer imagery. Given recent technological advances, a film done like this was just a matter of time.
You can find the full article here. A more appropriate question might be: Given the amount of time blue screen backgrounds have been used in film and video games, what took them so long?

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