Archives: Wing Commander: The Movie, First Draft Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Thanks to the all-new CIC Archives you can now follow the evolution of the Wing Commander movie's script! We've just finished scanning Kevin Droney's First Draft (133 pages, 33 mb), which was written way back in 1995 (10/27/95)! It's very different from the later versions: it features many different proper nouns (Angelica "Angel" Devereaux), a strange callsign for Blair ("Dodger") and a very unusual twist on the traitor subplot. The previously scanned Second Draft (9/21/97) and the Third/Shooting Draft (1/8/98) are also available. Along with the original Phoenix Pictures Memo, you now have all the tools to decide what went right and what went wrong with the Wing Commander movie's story!

If you've got anything Wing Commander related that you think should be archived, contact I've just moved to Austin, so I'm happy to take care of picking up and returning anything!

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