Secret Ops Fiction Fixed Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Dennis Weidner tipped us off about some broken links in our Secret Ops fiction index last week, and LOAF did some research to correct those errors and rounded up a couple things that were originally missing.

Thanks to our fighting men and women, the SO Fiction Index isn't only fixed... it's more complete than ever! Would You Like To Know More?
If you'd like to read the backstory to Secret Ops, check out the index here. At the bottom we've added the Blue Horizon Lost Fiction and the Newsgroup Lost Pre-Fiction. LOAF's currently on the way back to Austin, so don't expect to hear from him this week if you've recently sent him something.

Void War Interviews And The Latest Shot Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

A pair of sites have recently conducted interviews with Jay Barnson, lead designer for Void War. Game Chronicles Magazine did a thorough interview about many aspects of the game, and GamePike questioned Mr. Barnson about the origins of the game and overall setting.

Void War is somewhat experimental in a lot of ways, and probably owes more of an ancestry to games like Asteroids, Spacewar, Descent, and Wing Commander. We do have pick-ups in Void War, however, which will inevitably draw comparisons. But while I was loathe to put them in at first because they were 'unrealistic' - quite frankly they increased the fun and challenge of the game by an order of magnitude, so they were just The Right Thing To Do.

EA Premium Pass Goes Live Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The EA Premium Pass we mentioned last week has gone live now.

Yes! Sign me up for EA SPORTS Premium Pass presented by Dodge for Madden NFL 2005, FREE through August 1, 2005. I understand that because Dodge is presenting EA SPORTS Premium Pass, regularly $19.99, my credit card will not be charged until after August 1, 2005 and that I have the option to cancel at any time before then.
I authorize EA to share my EA account membership information with Dodge, and I allow Dodge to contact and/or present me with offers and promotions. Use of that information is subject to the DaimlerChrysler Privacy Statement.
The pass highlights your name in the game, gives access to message boards and other content. A structure of this kind sets a new precedent, at least on this scale. It's quite a bit different than subscription based MMO games, and I wonder what sort of features will be leveraged in the future for first class customers.

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