Special Birthday HTL Double Bill Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Poor Raptor wasn't able to make tonight's party, but he sent us through this little present: Holding The Line chapters 188 and 189!

Hey all, Raptor here

In honour of the CIC's birthday, we're presenting an HTL double header, parts three and four of "Loud And Clear". As you've seen previously, a combined strike by three Confederation carrier groups has taken out an enemy dreadnaught and decimated its escorting battlegroup. The Nephilim are not beaten yet however, and are more than capable of hitting back. As before, these chapters are brought to you by the teamwork of Joe "Wraith" Guida of the Yorktown battlegroup, the Auriga writing team, and Shaun Rashid of the TCS Endeavour. Please send any and all comments Joe at captpowell1@earthlink.net, and he'll pass them along to his fellow writers.

Part Three is at: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~theraj/archives/ch188.htm

Part Four is at: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~theraj/archives/ch189.htm

I also want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the good work done by the CIC. It's been close to a decade since the last official WC product was released, and by all rights the WC community should either be dead or consist of a few people getting together to wax nostalgic about the "good old days". Instead, we've got mods like Unknown Enemy, WC Saga and Standoff (to name just a few) which are new WC games in all but name, we've got HTL approaching novel trilogy length, we've got RPGs, websites and fan made reference sources galore. And central to all that has been the CIC and its staff, who have supported the community generously with time, knowledge and resources. Happy birthday, and many happy returns.

Best, Raptor

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