EA Encourages Skipping Work On August 10 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In a very kind gesture, Electronic Arts has coincidentally helped us promote the Wing Commander CIC 6th Birthday on August 10. EA is encouraging you to skip work or school next Tuesday and spend some time appreciating your favorite Electronic Arts franchise.

Work? School? Summer camp? Or even lunch with Aunt Ida? Not if we can help it... Whether your predicament is jury duty, the chicken pox, or just a "one-day" flu, print out one of the PDF files below, and make sure you'll be right where you should be on August 10th.
They've even provided the fake jury duty notices and doctors' notes. Isn't that nice of them? The CIC Birthday is just one week away and we hope you can join us in #Wingnut for the event. We officially start the party on August 10 at 7:00 pm Eastern US time (4:00 pm Pacific and 11:00 pm GMT). We'll have a bunch of cool prizes and surprises for people on that day. If you've never used irc before, just use our simple Java interface to check things out and join us. Feel free to stop by earlier to confirm the times in your zone and hang out.

Trivia Week 5 Questions Here Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is the final week for summer trivia. Answer the following questions and the winners will be announced at next week's CIC Birthday Party.

Question 9: Name an inhabited Confederation world that was the victim of a Kilrathi biological attack.

Question 10: Name the gas giant of the Kilrathi system in which the Tarawa hid in order to conduct repairs?

Bonus 9: Name the planet that is the capitol of the Haka clan circa 2670.

Bonus 10: Name a large gas giant that inhabits the same system as Buford's World.

You can email your answers to trivia@wcnews.com or fill out the form. Good luck!

Doom's Out Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Yay, Doom's out. Now there's finally a reason to upgrade your computer beyond Wing Commander Secret Ops (if you're not into Command & Conquer). I'm too afraid to progress to a point where there are actual monsters, so here are some pictures of the bathroom. I was testing 800x600 and medium detail when I grabbed these.

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