Sangy, Expendable & Slawter Want RPG Discussion Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Several Crius members have started a discussion about the separate Wing Commander role playing games that have sprouted up this year. RPGs can be hard to implement and maintain, and Sangy, Expendable, and Slawter are trying to lend some of their experience to helping the RPG community. They have their own idea for a new project and are trying to gauge interest. There are already other RPGs that need members, so this discussion might serve to bolster other projects' efforts instead. If this is a subject you're interested in, head on over to their thread here.

With our experiances at WCGC we have accumulated a list of all the things we would like to see done and how they should be done correctly in a Wing Commander board based RP. Now we are interested in developing this project into a working Role-Play system so that you, the Wing Commander fan can take his turn to become Admiral Tolwyn, defeating the Kilrathi above Earth, Jason Bondarevsky, sneaking behind Enemy Lines, and William Bainbridge, Defeating the bulk of the Kilrathi fleet at Vukar Tag.

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