WC Saga Demo Coming, Constructive Feedback Needed Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Tolwyn from WC Saga has announced that a WC Saga demo is in the works. Shortly before and after its released, they're depending on interested fans to use the demo to find bugs and make the game more playable. You can visit our WC Saga forums to help the Saga team on this project.

Yes, there is a full-blown demo in the works. Not every ship/fighter in the full Saga release will be incorporated into the demo, nor will every music track. You'll only get a sample. There are good reasons for a demo release other than to satiate the desire for a fusion of WC and FS.

First of all, it would provide a much wider base for finding bugs and being able to discover which system specs run the mod well. Some people may need to save up to upgrade their machines in order to run the mod, and it would be a great courtesy to let them know beforehand that such an upgrade would be advisable.

Second, it would also help to generate fan feedback for fine tuning the actual product before its release. Nothing is more dissapointing than waiting for a game to come out, and then when you finally get it, it's fun is greatly diminished due to a multitude of bugs (this is what happened with X2: The Threat).

In order to stick to time table the team could use some help from the community. Any kind of help is appreciated. Head straight to WCS forums, take your chance to become a member of the Wing Commander Saga. The team is looking forward to hear from you soon.

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