Poll: Ending Is Such Sweet Sorrow Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's poll time again. The winner of the last poll, "What's Your Favorite Furball Style?", was Wing Commander III with 49.03% of the vote. It was followed by WC2 (25.6%), WC4 (9.35%), WC1 (6.29%), Academy (4.95%) and the movie (4.79%). Our next poll question asks "Which game had the best ending sequence?" Here's a quick rundown of your options. Be warned, descriptions contain spoilers for each game. If you haven't played Wing Commander III yet, stop reading now.

Wing Commander: Fighters battle in space as the Tiger's Claw moves in on the last Kilrathi planet in the Vega Sector!
Wing Commander II: Blair is made a Colonel again, he receives a big cinematic kiss from Angel... but Thrakhath vows revenge!
Wing Commander III: Kilrah explodes, Melek surrenders and Blair returns to Earth for a well deserved vacation.
Wing Commander IV: Climactic trial scene convicts Tolwyn. Blair becomes a flight instructor or an Admiral.
Prophecy: Blair gives his life to stop the Nephilim - but for how long? Casey and Stiletto look to the future together.
Secret Ops: The second Nephilim gate is captured. Admiral Rayak and Governor Cavazos plot the next operation.
Privateer: Admiral Terrel is grateful for your help... enough to read you the games credits.
Privateer 2: Lev's insane younger brother meets a bad end - but the Kindred is yours!

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Expert 3D modeller Howard Day is on a mission - to build the most accurate 3D model of the Confederation's Hornet-class light fighter ever constructed! Here's a look at how it's going:

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