Holding The Line Chapter 181 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This week's chapter of HTL comes with a special message just for our Australian/New Zealandian readers. Here's Raptor with his chapter introduction and that message.

Hey all, Raptor here

HTL continues with part ten of the "Into The Inferno" series, written by yours truly. As you saw last time, the strike force from the Confed and Border Worlds carriers was racing for the jump point, but the incoming scouts beat them to it. All was not quite how it seemed, however. This story picks up from there. Please send any and all comments to yours truly.

The story is at: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~theraj/archives/ch181.htm

On a much more serious note, Sunday April 25th is ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand, when Kiwis and Aussies remember and pay tribute to all the brave soldiers who fought for the freedoms we take for granted. For all the Antipodean Wingnuts out there, be sure to attend one of the dawn services or parades if you can, and give generously to support our veterans. Buy a red Flanders poppy and wear it with pride.

Best, Raptor

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