(Invasion + Poetry) * Bob = Wallpaper Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This one is a slightly different type of wallpaper than the usual that has been popular lately. Originally it was a WC Invasion mod screenshot. Bob has glossed it over and added a W.B. Yeats poem to the side. The image has a certain special intangible quality to it.

Happy Birthday Aces, Acenet Story Archive Renewed Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Wing Commander Aces Club turned nine years old this week. I remember coming online in 1995 and 1996 and being amazed at all the Wing Commander fans working together in this massive organization. Years before the CIC was established, these people discussed Wing Commander news, created new ship designs and wrote big story arcs together. Although club activity has diminished of late, there are still thousands of devoted Wing Commander fans who can benefit from their stories and experiences. Jibbo has gone ahead and put a number of old adventures together. Here's Raptor to tell you about it.

In addition to setting up the new Aces Board, Justin "Jibbo" Lee has also set up an archive site where past Aces stories can be archived and preserved for the future. It's vitally important that we preserve the Club's past work at a central site. Otherwise, we risk these stories being lost as people leave the Aces Club or trade in their old hard drives for new ones. There have already been a huge number of stories archived there, and you can view them at www.justinlee.ca/wca
That site has a dual purpose as a story archive and temporary message board to discuss ways to revitalize the club and find new Wing Commander things to do. The Aces Club is part of our common history and reading their stories provides a window into the minds of hardcore Wing Commander fans in the mid 1990s.

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