Wanted: Aces in Website Design Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Raptor also asked us to post the following:
On another note, the Aces need web designers. Acenet hasn't been getting a lot of attention over the past couple of years. There have only been a couple of sites added to the Acenet in that time, and Acenet Central itself is long overdue for a major update. As part of the effort to revitalise the Aces Club, there are plans afoot to give Acenet Central a total revamp, and also to recreate the Aces Lounge, a place where the stories and other projects created by the Club can be showcased. Several people have already volunteered things like design templates, stories and renderings to go on the new sites.

What we don't have, and what we really need if we're to get this effort off the ground, is people who can help with website building and programming. We need people who are willing to do the hard yards of building these sites. If you have the skills and the commitment to help see these projects through to completion, you would be helping the Aces Club out in a big way. If you're interested, please either email me or post to the new Aces board at: http://www.justinlee.ca/wca

Best, Raptor

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