HotT Finally Found Kilrathi Saga Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

His latest picture is pretty nuts, but HotT's so happy to have found a Kilrathi Saga, I'll share his story.

This is sent in celebration of something that happened to me some time ago. I was able to obtain the Kilrathi Saga. Yes, you heard me right! THE Kilrathi Saga. After all those years of searching EBay actions, over-inflated prices, and having to be around two friends/WC fans who also have copies of their own.

Most people would expect to pay hundreds of dollars to get this copy. Only the truly die-hard fans need apply. But for me, I found it in the most unlikely of places... the local flea market. For seven bucks.

I originally made this pic as a way of lamenting over the constant "defeat" a person goes through when he loses that special eBay auction. You had it within your grasp, only to have it brutally wrenched from you. It's always out there taunting them.

But there's hope for everyone out there. If eBay is too expensive for you, start getting creative and look elsewhere.

Electronic Arts Returning to M Rated Games Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

GameSpot just reported about one of EA's upcoming adaptation of the classic Godfather series. When it comes out, it will be their first Mature Rated game in nearly three years. For some time now EA has made a point of censoring some of its popular franchises to achieve a Teen rating. However, Kilrathi Saga, Wing Commander 4 and Privateer 2 all received M ratings from the ESRB. Taking off this restriction should enhance the realism in some of their future games. GameSpot also notes this move has had a positive effect on the company's stock.

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