WC Fiery Ardor MUSH Needs Staff Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's a Wing Commander MUSH by the name of Fiery Ardor that's been secretly under construction for the past four months. It's a text based role playing game. They're getting to the point where they'll soon have a bunch to show off and are looking for some additional staff to help fill in the gaps. Here's Ierocis with the request.

Unlike other WC MUSHes or MUXes in the past, Fiery Ardor focuses on character development and life of Terran Confederation Military personnel during the Kilrathi/Terran war. Therefore heavily coded combat is not as important as good RPing with one another. Most of the action will take place on the Ranger-class Light Carrier, TCS Ardor and it's carrier task group.

As we near the end of construction phase we could do with a wee bit of help to fill staff positions to help supply storyline for the MUSH, and finish off odd jobs like fancying up the webpage. If you are interested in checking us out and lending us a hand you can reach us via telnet, simpleMU, MUSHclient, or other MU client at:

HOST: ardormush.quackster.net
PORT: 8888

You can find the full text of his request here.

Wing Commander Movie Turns Five Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

With all the various projects going on this past week, we missed the Wing Commander Movie's fifth birthday on Friday. It seems like just yesterday that we were posting new screenshots for the upcoming film. Seeing the movie for the first time was a life changing event for me. I know not everyone loved it, but I also know many Wing Commander fans who were introduced to our wonderful universe through the movie. If by some chance you're reading this site and haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for? Head on over to Walmart or Outpost to pick up your copy for five bucks. Note that those are Region 1.

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