Standoff Shows Rapier Cockpit and Ship Selection Screen Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The Standoff Secret Ops mod has a few neat additions. The first is the Rapier cockpit, plus the goodies associated with that. Eder has also released a preview of the ship selection screen. Everything's shaping up well. I'd have tons of fun just walking around that ship.

I'd love to have an entire game where you walked around a Wing Commander carrier as beautiful as that. You can find more at the Standoff site here.

WC Revival Looking For Help Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The German Wing Commander hub WC Revival has picked up activity in recent weeks and they're looking for a little bit of help to maintain their regular duties. Specifically they're looking for news coordinators, people with some graphics experience or Wing Commander fans with a bit of universe experience to work on a variety of projects. You can check out their site and see if there's anything for you to contribute here.

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