New Wing Commander Fan RPG Pops Up Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Antman has opened a new RPG for Wing Commander fans to participate in. They have focused on three reference points to focus on: the Panama Wargames, the Gemini Conflict and K'Tithrak Mang. They have done some preliminary setting up at their forums here. This role playing game allows people to pose as characters and ship who play their positions across the various forums. This differ from other Wing Commander RPGs that mainly choose irc or email to carry out their stories.

In the Panama System, Confed is holding wargames involving elements of both the 3rd and 14th Fleets. However, this exercise is not like the standard fleet exercises, as a new element is added. This is a hypothetical weapon dubbed a "torpedo", which is light enough to carry on bombers, which can penetrate phase shielding. Hence, Blue Fleet trades off battleships for carriers. Red Fleet will be unaware of the "torpedo" to both avoid custom tailoring of the task force for anti-bomber work, and to simulate newly gathered intelligence.
To check this out, head on over to Wing Commander Galactic Conflict.

New Space Plan Officially Announced Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

As we mentioned last week, yesterday President Bush outlined a new set of objectives in space. Not content with orbiters and rovers, the new plan outlines a replacement for the space shuttle and the construction of a moon test base to prepare for visiting Mars. More than merely policy goals, Bush's announcement asks for billions of dollars of extra money to fund this program. Details on the announcement can be found at the NASA website. They have an interesting budget chart projecting the increased role manned exploratory missions might take through the next two decades.

We will give NASA a new focus and vision for future exploration. We will build new ships to carry man forward into the universe, to gain a new foothold on the moon to prepare for new journeys to the worlds beyond our own.
Sounds a whole lot better than the prospects we were presented with in the last decade.

Filler Finds Filler Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Filler stumbled across what may be the "earliest Luke Skywalker sighting." Four years before Star Wars and twenty-one years before Mark Hamill took up the mantle of Colonel Christopher Blair, he was interviewed for a small magazine fact file.

His name is mark Hamill and you asked to know more about him after his dynamite appearance on "Owen Marshall, Counselor At Law." Now, for the first time, here are the facts on groovy Mark!
Scary! At least there are some funny '70s pictures of him here.

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