Holding The Line Chapter 173 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The holidays are over now for the HTL team, and Raptor has sent in the latest chapter.

Hey all, Raptor here

HTL continues with a great little story called "Keeping Hope Alive", written by Jeremy "Echo" Johnson. This is another Battlegroup Auriga story, and is set between the two chapters of EOTS II Part 1, following some of the pilots who arrived with the Hades in our last story. Please send any and all comments to Jeremy at dopplerd240@charter.net, not to me.

The story is at: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~theraj/archives/ch173.htm

On a personal note, as we put one year behind us and look forward to 2004, I would like to thank everyone who has helped keep HTL going through this, our fifth (!!!) year of publishing stories. Special mention goes to the writers for all their hard work and dedication, and for putting with a coordinator who can be pretty damn demanding at times. Thanks also to the many readers who have sent in comments on the storyline. Last but certainly not least, many thanks to the CIC for allowing us to bring our stories to an audience outside the Aces.

Best, Raptor

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