Unknown Enemy 2 on the Horizon Post-Standoff Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Last month we missed a little bit of info on the upcoming Unknown Enemy 2 project. For those who have been following Fan Projects and mods, UE is considered by many to be the first completed full-length full-featured mod for a Wing Commander game. A variety of newly introduced ships take you through an exciting campaign in the Secret Ops engine. UE won our "Fan Project of the Year" award in 2000, 2001 and 2002. Because it is now complete it's not in the running for 2003, but much of the team is currently working on Standoff. They had this to say.

So, while the UE2 project continues to vegetate, the first anniversary of UE's release quietly slipped by. Hard to believe that it was already so long ago :). Anyway, we are still busy with Standoff, which is progressing nicely. So, not much to report for UE2. The plot has been kinda hanging where we left it a few months ago. However, in the last few days, I have done some work on the new fighters for UE2 - that is to say, I've been writing out their development histories, and working out their stats (a process that includes repeated in-game testing). This is fairly trivial stuff, but it actually does help a bit with the plot - knowing how many of the new fighters are available helps to work out exactly what roles they will play in UE2. And of course, testing the stats is a lot of fun ;).
I know quite a few people who will be looking forward to this one when it's eventually complete. You can find out more on Unknown Enemy (and grab the game for yourself!) here.

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