Wing Commander Movie on Dutch Net 5 Today Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's not a lot of time between now and the showing, but for the few of you who'll get this, Peter from The Netherlands found this listing. At 8:30 pm Saturday night the Wing Commander movie will be showing on the channel RTL 5. Good luck catching it in time.

Edit: It's RTL 5, not Net 5.

More on Ultima X Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I wrote an entire UXO update yesterday and left out one of the main quotes that I'd planned to include. IGN's RPG Vault has a series of developer interviews that is following the continuing progress of Ultima X. It's a good read that describes the game in fairly good depth and provides some good Q&A. The quote on this page struck me as quite funny.

Jonric: What is the role of player vs. player combat in Ultima X: Odyssey, and how does it function? What were the major considerations when you made your key decisions in this area?

Amy Sage: There's no better AI than that of a human being, which means there will always be a desire to incorporate PvP in a way that allows you to experience that rush of adrenaline.

I bolded the odd part. You can read the whole article here.

More On Eve Online Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

On the topic of massively multiplayer games, I noticed at ATFW that Homeland has just done a similar developer interview for the Privateer themed Eve Online.

HomeLAN - What are some the most surprising things that CCP has encountered since the release of the game?

Sigurður Ólafsson - We had expected that people would be dedicated with the time they spent in the game but we have numerous examples of players that have gone much further than we expected. We have gotten reports of players that never sleep more than 80 min at a time as that is the time it takes to fill their industrial ship with ore, while we were at E3 there was a constant stream of players asking if they could log in using our demo computers to train a new skill. We have been contacted by the parents of disabled children who say that EVE has brought light into their live, one had even constructed a special input device for his son so he could play EVE, such stories have brought us joy.

You can find the full interview here. You can find out more about Eve Online here.

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