Obi-Wan Slaps Blair, Mentions WC Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal recently held a chat with Mark Hamill about... well, mostly Star Wars. In answering a Star Wars question, however, he barely mentions Wing Commander! Hurrah! Here's the quote:

Q: Padraic Durkin of Wisconsin Rapids - Did the late Sir Alec Guinness really slap you for calling him just "Alec"?

A: Mark Hamill - He playfully corrected me when I called him Sir Alec after knowing him about a week. He patted my face twice and then mock slapped me. Firmly. Just to get my attention. And he said, "I want to be known by my name, not my acolade." And that was him telling me to stop calling him "Sir." I really want to get that clear because like when you play the game telephone, all these years later, the story is that he slapped me when i didn't call him Sir Alec or calling him just Alec. It was the absolute reverse of how gracious and wonderful a man he was. I miss him every day. I wish he could come see my play. I used to see his plays on the West End. He was very loyal. People should know that that. People always ask if all of us are still friends. Well, no, life goes on. Time and circumstances change, but he always impressed upon me that it was important. He gave me an example of someone who had hurt his feelings by totally ignoring him in their success when he had really given them their first break. And I remembered that, so everytime I was in England, I would at least give him a phone call. In fact, the last time I had slipped over the pond to do promotion for "Wing Commander," he saw that I did not call him. He was not well and had been in the hospital for his eye. His last letter contained the lines, "Don't dare ever come to my country again without contacting me." It really touched me. That was the one time that I hadn't contact him. He was absolutely right and I regret having done so.

You can read the rest of the article here.

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