Wing Commander The Reckoning Lives Again Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Tolwyn called us up to deliver some happy news, the Freelancer mod The Reckoning is back in business! He will be utilizing models from the Wing Commander Saga Freespace 2 mod to continue the work that has already been done.
If everything runs smooth and if we can start welcoming new folk soon, we might very well release a ships pack in a few months. December seems to be a realistic release date.
Because Freelancer is one of the most graphically advanced space sims of the bunch, I've always thought this mod looked quite nice. I especially liked Bob's Concordia Supercruiser in the FL engine. Tolwyn has mocked up a few new screens for us that show off the Ferret, Crossbow and Thunderbolt. These are really pretty shots, and I'm looking forward to a Wing Commander ship pack.

It's Map Time! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Greetings, carto-fans! It's that time of year once again: the leaves are changing colors, the weather's turning colder and the nights are getting longer... and it's time to re-edit the Wing Commander Universe map! So, here's your job -- tell me what changes need to be made.

So far the only thing obvious to me (aside from some layout changes Wedge suggested months back) is adding a pair of jump lines: Calimachus {-} Orestes and Orestes {-}Sol, as per the Wing IV novel Vesuvius chase. Other possibilities:

  • Hari Space. Should I add the Hari systems referenced in Fleet Action? Meaning: add ~974 'burned out' systems to the Hari Sector region. If I do this, should I connect them with random jump points, or just leave them sitting empty in space?
  • More Anomalies. Should I mark nebulae and star types and what-not? If so, how? We'll need to come up with a list.
  • 'Development' Systems. Over the past few months I've had access to outlines for things like Privateer Online and such... should I add the sectors designed for those games? Or not because they were never published?
  • Take into account distances. The map isn't to scale (since it's a jump map)... but should I add charts and such showing distances between given stars?

Give me your thoughts at here. You can find the CIC Wing Commander universe maps here and our special map archive here.

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