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The topic doesn't make sense to most people, nor does it appeared to be spelled right, but it very much expresses our sentiments as we push this project out the door. For many years people have been asking us where they could find a complete Wing Commander Encyclopedia. What we have available today is far from complete, but it is also a chunk of the most comprehensive Wing Commander database available anywhere. With over 1500 records already compiled, there is still much work for us to do, but we're proud to present what we have tonight. We'd like to thanks Wedge, TC, Raptor, Haesslich, Death and Tainen for working with the rest of the CIC staff to put what we have together. Kris and Hades have especially been beating themselves to death to make things presentable. We'll be continually updating it until it's complete, but for now, you're welcome to check out our attempt at the Wing Commander Encyclopedia.

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