Blast From the Past, Part 8 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Do you have the July 2000 issue of PC Gamer? It was one of the greatest issues of any magazine for WC stuff since not only did it have an interview with Chris Roberts, it also included the full version of Kilrathi Saga's WC1 on the cover disk! Thanks to WildWeasel, we can now offer you scans of the WC articles in that issue.

Originally, I was trying to come up with a name for the aliens mankind was going to be fighting in my new space game, Squadron (which became Wing Commander). Finally, after a long night at work I gave up, putting a placeholder in. It was created because I saw these aliens as killing with wrath... Kill... Wrath... Kilrath... I tacked on a "i", wrote down Kilrathi and decided it would do until I came up with a real name.

Stick Your GameBoy Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

If you have a regular original GameBoy Advance, this gadget is just for you. Lik-Sang is offering this for sale. It's a neat little cover with a build in mini-stick, light, and bigger grips for making it easier to hold. For only $9, you can't go wrong. Thanks to TyeDyeBoy for spotting this. You can see some other designs in our archive here.

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