Prophecy Launches with GBA SP, Wings Advance Ships Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In a combination of new announcements, today Raylight Studios announced that their world war dogfighting simulation Wings has shipped to stores. IGN has rated the game 7.5 out of 10. And in related news, the launch of Prophecy Advance has now been tied to the US release of the GBA SP in mid March.

Wings Advance, that has been entirely developed in house, is another confirmation that Raylight is able to create good games for the GameBoy Advance. The next game will be the award winner Wing Commander Prophecy that will be available together with the release of the GBA SP in march.
Raylight is always looking for new publishers and developing opportunities for the GBA, GameCube and now also for the newcoming Nokia N-Gage.

Thanks for your time and attention
Raylight Studios S.r.l.

Good to hear! I'll be anxious to try out Wings and see how well it comes across. Though it is not a 3d Blue Roses game, it should indicate some of the quality that Raylight puts into its games.

UO Age of Shadows Ships Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Good old Origin Systems, Inc is shipping Ultima Online: Age of Shadows today. Just a little note to remind people that they're still out there doing their thing.

The much anticipated Ultima Online: Age of Shadows™ expansion has started shipping to a retailer near you! Remember, be an Early Settler and get one of 20 Miniature House Collectibles and a bless deed for each of your characters! So go out and get Age of Shadows today and try to get the cool rare castle or small thatched hut!

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