Long December Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The KBToys page for Wing Commander Prophecy has changed the release date from late November to December 10th. It's certainly not the most reliable source for a release date -- but at present, it's the only one available. For a summary of all confirmed information, visit our WCP section here.

Unknown Enemy Download Locations Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The SolSector websites are unavailable while the server people are fixing a software bug. In the meantime, you can download Unknown Enemy from the following locations:

Full Version of the game:

Patch for existing users who can't use the fiction viewer:

Remember to use a Download manager!

WCPolaroids: Casey (4/24) Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Origin probably didn't remember when creating Wing Commander Prophecy, but Iceman had another child. Lance's half-sister Julia was rescued from a Kilrathi slave ship during the course of Secret Missions 2.

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