*** Wing Commander III FAQ, version 1.10 *** Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

LOAF discovered this ancient unofficial WC3 FAQ, posted to alt.dereksmart.flame by James Hogan. Here are the most interesting bits:
  • Privateer 2: the Darkening
    "Privateer 2: Darkside" will be the next installment in the Privateer series. The project, headed by Erin Roberts (Chris Roberts' brother), is currently in the initial planning stages. Like WC3, it will utilize live acting for all of the cinematic sequences, and will use an updated version of the WC3 engine for the actual gameplay.
  • A Wing Commander novel that was never written
    The second novel will jump back in time and focus on Hunter [...]. It is being written by Ellen Guon (co-author of _Freedom Flight_ and lead writer for Wing Commander II). The third novel has been contracted, but the content has not yet been decided; it might be take place over on the Privateer side of the galaxy...
  • Origin contact addresses
    CompuServe: 71333,136
    America Online: OSI
    GEnie: origin.mkt
    Internet: osi@aol.com

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