Vega Strike to Users: It's Not Your Fault! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There is a new Vega Strike executable out that fixes a few problems. But apparently they're not getting nearly enough bug reports from users:

  • If Vegastrike does not work we will make it work: mail me at vegastrike-users so we can work out any issues.
  • If you still have loading problems try right clicking on the .vegastrike folder and give world writable permissions to that folder (if you run XP or 2K... I couldn't figure out how to modify permissions in 2k). .vegastrike (dot vegastrike) is the only folder that needs write permissions.
  • Please report any other errors that you may encounter. No other errors have been reported--and hence none will get fixed.

Holding The Line: Chapter 139 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's Raptor with the introduction to the latest release:

Hey all, Raptor here.

HTL continues with "A Gathering of Forces". As you've seen in the past few chapters, the Border Worlds fleet carrier groups have been drawing the attention of the Nephilim super carriers, and paying a heavy price for it. However, by drawing most of the Nephilim fighter cover and bomber support down on themselves, the Border Worlders have forced the enemy commanders to leave their own capital ships vulnerable.

As set in Admiral Hanton's plan at the start of the Tiger Hunt, this leaves the enemy carriers and dreadnaughts wide open to attack by the remaining elements of the human Combined Fleet. You saw in past chapters that the carriers Valley Forge, Endeavour and Yorktown have already attacked and destroyed their targets. Now, a mixed force consisting of the fleet's destroyers, corvettes, and torpedo boats go after their targets. This chapter is jointly written by Dan "Death" Poore, Alex "Ninja" Crislogo, and Greg "Sandman" Sands.

Best, Raptor

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