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We'd like to to thank the Academy... and, of course, these people:

MNelson: for providing a bunch of cool prizes to help us promote this event... and, most importantly, for going above and beyond to support the CIC with file hosting at The Wing Commander community as a whole owes her a great debt.

Joe and Paula Garrity: For donating the radical Wing Commander IV patches that we're handing out tonight -- and for working to promote the continued existence of Wing Commander fandom through collecting. Surely a noble goal.

Adam Foshko: For providing the nifty Wing Commander IV patches to Joe that we're giving away tonight (and for producing Prophecy and stuff).

Hard Working Fans Everywhere: Groups like the Wing Commander Aces and the Unknown Enemy team are doing a wonderful job of keeping the Wing Commander fanbase alive! We salute you all!

Raylight Productions: They're the reason we'll all be playing a new Wing Commander game next year!

Captain Johnny: Because we can.

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