Custom Black Lance Tolwyn Figure Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Black Lance HQ's Tannim reporting:
I started with the Star Trek Soran figure, used a dremmel to buff out all the ridges on his clothes, made the bottom of his jacket with some modeling putty, the shoulder epaulets are some plasticard, and then painted him up. The gun is one of the WC ones, but repainted. Unfortunately, the shine from the spray finish makes it look kind of shiny when I scan it, but you get the idea of what he looks like.

Wing 2 Font Up For Download Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Kinnear sends us this Wing Commander 2 font. It's the one you see when you enter your name and callsign. The dialogue font is the same, only smaller. Kinnear adds that because it is a "bitmap font," it only works up to a certain size. Sizes 15 and 18 should be perfect.

Holding The Line Chapters 134, 135 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Oops. Apparently Raptor got the URL to last week's Holding The Line chapter wrong, so here's the correction.

Hey all, Raptor here.

I'm sure that some of you must have felt a sense of deja vu when you found yourselves re-reading chapter 133 (The Tiger Hunt, Part 9) in the last update instead of the promised chapter 134. The reason for that is that I sent the CIC the wrong URL. Because of that, I'm releasing both chapters 134 (The Tiger Hunt, Part 10) and chapter 135 (The Tiger Hunt, Part 11) this time around. Sorry about the mix up.

HTL continues with part ten of the Tiger Hunt series, "The Art of War." As you saw in the last chapter, the Border Worlders had been ripping chunks out of the attacking Nephilim force, but then learned of a second force coming after them. They had to split their fighters, with the bulk of the Border Worlds pilots sent to destroy the second Nephilim force, while the smaller Border Worlds group kept delaying the first attack group. This chapter looks at the pilots fighting the delaying action, and is written by yours truly.

At the same time, part 11 of the Tiger Hunt series, "Classics Never Die" looks at the strike force of Border Worlds fighters and bombers that were sent to crush the newly arrived Nephilim group. While much more powerful than the force that is fighting the delaying action, the strike force will need to achieve complete surprise if it is to have any hope of success. This chapter is written by Yu Fei "Phalanx" Leung. Please send any and all comments to him at

Best, Raptor

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