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"The Original Wing Commander RPG" is a recent addition to our Solsector.net family. Michael Coe is working on a pen-&-paper Wing Commander RPG, and he wants some feedback. If you like pen-&-paper games or if you've given his game a try, drop him a line. The website is located at wcrpg.solsector.net. The quote below gives you an idea of what a game could be like if you're really into these things.

Maniac is flying for his life, due to the fact that a lucky hit has taken out his weapon systems and auto pilot on his Arrow light fighter. He approaches the TCS Victory and must make a simple piloting roll, which he unfortunately fails. He must now succeed in a hard piloting roll to avoid the massive carrier and come around for another landing attempt. His Light Fighter SN is 14, but with a -6 penalty becomes 8. Maniac, being the lucky SOB we have all come to know and love, rolls 2+3 and manages to avoid reducing his fighter to scrap metal and himself to a red smear on the bow of the TCS Victory.
So go check it out!

Bear At The Movies Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

No, not Jason. TC has dug up this peculiar Wing Commander movie review. It's an odd little thing, but I like the way he sums it up: "Spaceships, explosions, battles and babes - what more could you ask for in a movie?". You need to see this one for yourself.

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