Holding the Line: Chapter 121 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Read it here. Find the official site here. Raptor's introduction here:

Hey all, Raptor here.

After that look at the reserves who are preparing for the final battle, we're now going to switch back to the front line, the delaying action being fought in the Loki system. As you might recall, the Border Worlds carriers were acting as the bait in an elaborate trap for the Nephilim, while the rest of the fleet closed in for the kill. While there have been several preliminary skirmishes, the battles to come are going to be bloodier by far.

We kick off with part six of the Tiger Hunt series, "A Den of Death." This chapter focuses on the Harbingers, a Bearcat unit serving with Union's Battlegroup Valkyrie. The Harbingers had previously carried out a lethal ambush on Nephilim scouts hunting the Border Worlders, but the squadron's own losses had instigated a revolt within its ranks. This chapter picks up from there. This story is written by Yu Fei "Phalanx" Leung, so please send any and all comments to him at ph4l4nx@hotmail.com.

Best, Raptor

Insert Saturn Pun Here Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's an interesting press release -- Wing Commander III for Sega Saturn... a game that was never released. Since only weirdos bought Saturns, Origin's post-Crusader lineup was scrapped... and Wing Commander III (and IV) were shelved. Coulda been interesting... I wonder how much work was done! Read the full thing here.

The Sega Saturn provides an exciting platform for bringing Origin Systems’ groundbreaking _Wing Commander III_ to the advanced entertainment system market. The Sega Saturn’s built-in texture mapping and impressive 640 x 480 high-resolution graphics provide exceptional video quality and realistic gameplay. In true interactive style, the player controls the intriguing twists and turns of the plot by engaging face-to-face with such legendary actors as Mark Hamill (_Star Wars_ trilogy), Malcolm McDowell (_A Clockwork Orange, Star Trek_) and John Rhys-Davies (_Raiders of the Lost Ark_).

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