New Vega Strike Release Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Vega Strike site has been updated with the latest build. This one features Sol System as well as the ability to go in to Earth's atmosphere. Here is the list:

  • I suffered a sleepless night to get this release out to everyone.
  • Finally you can explore sol and go into planets... in this case the earth!
  • Windows users Download it now!
  • To run it, run vspiii550.exe It may well be slow.
  • Unix users can get the source and the unix data. If the source doesn't work (it was only heavily tested on FAT32 case insensitivity) you can simply check out vegastrike cvs (it's smaller).
  • You have been provided with a ferret-scout to explore the earth. Enjoy the fog.
  • This test has been optimized for high end computers due to the fact that I'm very tired and have no time for making configuration files that will work with slow ones. Edit the vegastrike.config if you have a slow computer or vid card and let me know what you come up with. Hand me any comments at the mailing list
  • Enjoy the grand canyon! If you want to DIE when you crash, edit sol.system and change continuous terrain's mass="100" instead of ".0000001" that will havea more releastic mass...but I figure most of you want to just fly around and don't want to die on crash

Holding The Line Chapter 112 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Would it surprise you if I told you here's Raptor?

Hey all, Raptor here.

HTL continues with Part 3 of the Tiger Hunt series. After the look at the Confederation and Border Worlds reserves who will be backing us up in the finale, and the Tanfen forces who have reluctantly been drawn into the conflict, we're now shifting back to the main battle in the Loki System. As you saw in past chapters, the Border Worlds carriers were acting as the bait in an elaborate "tiger hunt", drawing the Nephilim in so that they could be destroyed by the rest of the Combined Fleet.

This chapter, which is rather ominously titled "The Death of Hope", is written by Yu Fei "Phalanx" Leung. It follows the Harbingers, a Bearcat squadron based on the BWS Freedom. In the last chapter, the Harbingers had helped ambush and wipe out a Nephilim scouting group sent to find the Border Worlds carriers. However, the victory came at a terrible cost, theloss of four of their own. This chapter picks up from there. Please send any and all comments to Phalanx at

PS: Just in case my absent mindedness has everyone thinking HTL doesn't have a website, well, we do. *G* You can find the HTL archives at this address, and it has links to other HTL sites.

You can find chapter 112 here.

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