Happy Confederation Day Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Here's to the negative 415th anniversary of the founding of the Terran Confederation (and, of course, the anniversary of the McAuliffe Ambush)! Break out the fireworks...

A Brave New World Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Today marks the first test of the CIC's internally developed news posting program -- designed by Kris, it'll eliminate the need for a lot messy FTP transfers and generally make it easier to update the site. Progress!

From: Brook & Pelig Mining Inc. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The Brook & Pelig Mining Consortium is being attacked by Kindred ships. Already some of their cargo ships have been destroyed. Proceed to Nav Point 149 and defend them from the Kindred forces present. You are also required to pick up any survivors and the valuable cargo pods they may have with them.

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