Want to promote your fan project? The CIC will have a table at DragonCon next week... and we'd love to help promote any and all fan projects! If you're running a project, you can create an advertisement for us to distribute at our table! Please make it something we can easily photocopy (specify what color paper and so forth), and include any helpful information on your project! Send all promotions to LOAF ASAP!.
Well, we came, we saw... the Wing Commander Movie on Sci Fi. No joy on extra scenes... but we all learned an important lesson: you can't say "balls" on the Sci Fi channel. Other than that, and the fact that it was pan-and-scanned, the movie came out pretty well on TV.
Todays trivis is the "NEW ON THE FLIGHT DECK" page in the 3DO version of Super Wing Commander's Claw Marks.
It wouldn't be a weekday without screenshots from Standoff... today it's an incomplete Drakhri and a Rapier that's just about finished!
PredatorW has found something interesting... a 15-minute Making of Wing Commander IV segment on a promotional CD. He hopes to have it online in the near future -- but here's a screenshot to tide y'all over...
There's more from HCl over at the WCDC Board... he's managed to extract the dialogue for Prophecy's infamous cut 'cloaking' scene! And here they are...
Pedro_UE reports that there's an all-new shipset for the WCZone SubSpace mod! The new set, available in their downloads section, features Border Worlds ships rather than Confed craft.
Lorien, over at the Chat Zone, is apparently working to create a Wing Commander TC for the Babylon 5 Wars RPG. Check out his supernifty Concordia here.
The folks over at WingCenter.De are looking for more people to help run their project and help with construction. Interested parties can contact Obee via e-mail or at ICQ UIN: 45225812.
Some say 'Peace is achieved through disarmament.' Some say 'Peace is achieved through deterrent.' Krazy Kartlin says 'If it moves, SHOOT IT!'
Krazy Kartlins' Elite Weapons Emproium are having problems with their customers: namely not paying. We don't like to deal with the CIS as our slate is somewhat tarnished; we prefer to deal with it ourselves. Are you a Hellraiser of a pilot? We offer good money for a keen eye and plenty of firepower. We need you to rendezvous with freighter Pala-Tine at NAV 132 and escort her to safety aboard ES:Sarama.
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