HCl Finds Lost Sounds Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

TC reports that HCl has made some interesting discoveries while playing with Prophecy's movie sound files. Here's his post from the WCDC board...
While i was playing with decompressing movie sounds, i think i came across a few movies that the game doesn't use (well, at least i don't remember ever seeing them). I've taken the audio with a tweaked version of MGI2WAV, and put them below so you can hear them yourself:

http://student.dei.uc.pt/~mbrito/mgi/thatsthe.wav - "That's the kind of flying..." (Casey talks to Rachel after landing)

http://student.dei.uc.pt/~mbrito/mgi/eitheryou.wav - "Either you are... " (Casey talks to Rachel after landing)

http://student.dei.uc.pt/~mbrito/mgi/under.wav - Maestro and Stiletto: seems like an alternate scene to the one where Maestro says "You know Stiletto, i've noticed by the way you ignore me that you're extremely attracted to me."


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