Birthday Update Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

If we haven't convinced you yet, we never will... but here it is anyway: come to the CIC Birthday tomorrow in #WingNut. It'll be funtastic. If you're not there... here's what Chris says.

Those of you who'd like to come to the party but can't make it because of a time conflict can enter to win a back-door prize. This will only be a quick giveaway for those who would like to be at the birthday party, but just can't be there. If you'd like to participate, send your name and email address to We'll be picking a winner a short while after the actual party.

Movie in Germany Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Jochen reports that the Wing Commander Movie will be shown several times this month in Germany! Here's the schedule he kindly sent us...

Premiere 1: 12th 11:05, 16th 20:15, 22nd 16:00, 31st 13:50
Premiere 3: 10th 22:20
Premiere Analog: 12th 10:15, 16th 20:15, 22nd 15:35, 31th 13:40

Casting Call: Invasion Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Ladiesman sends this request on behalf of the Wing Commander Invasion project... it'll be just like recording Armada taunts like nobody ever actually did!
Alright, here's what I need. I thought i'd open up a casting call for voice overs. Most of the Terran voices from Armada can stay, with only a few different ones needed. However, we do need Kilrathi and Nephilim voices. Nephilim voices are easy...just be screetchy and high pitched. Kilrathi may be difficult. If all else fails we could use WC2 style Kilrathi voices, which sound like Klingons with a sore throat.

If your intrested in possibly doing voiceovers, send me an email with a sample of you saying whatever, preferably as a zip or mp3 file.

If chosen, I'll send you a big ol' list of things to record. Then you'll be immortalized in WCInvasion.

Try to be expedient....I don't know how long the casting will last. It all depends on the response.

So...get recording!

From: The Tri System League of Hunters. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Personal E-Mail to Ser Lev Arris.
We have been monitoring your recent activities closely and although your style is crude and somewhat clumsy we believe you may be a worthy challenge for our members. We are offering you the opportunity to test your metal against us, and in the process earn yourself a substantial reward. The mission my dear boy, is basically cat and mouse, you being the mouse of course. THe chase will take place between Janus and Hades, four Nav points. Your goal is to get through all four Nav Points over to Hades in one piece, where your reward will be waiting. We call it the "Heaven to Hell"

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