Comic Arrives Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

mpanty has finally published his comic! And you can look at it below... it's in French, but you can surely admire the artwork! Those of you unfamiliar with French can read the English dialogue (and comment on the comic) in this thread.

Long Live the Queen Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Here's two more shots from Syd Mead's Sentury... which were very painful to scan! Anyway, this is the Nephilim "Queen"... which arms itself with a Nephilim weapon thing on its head.

From: Williford Biologics Inc., Security Division Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

<<Calling all able pilots>>
We have a situation requiring immediate attention. A major shipment of expensive raw materials is on its way from Karatikus to Crius at Nav Point #4. We have reason to believe that Kiowan pirates are planning to destroy the convoy. Please protect our cargo ships as they land on Crius.

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