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LeHah spoke more with The Fatman regarding the Wing Commander Soundtrack...
Q: Your brother works for what label?
A: owns lazySOB records, and

Q: Will this be a "big" release or an "In-house" release?
A: small out-house. Very texas, dontcha know. Doesn't make any difference--a record is a record.

Q: Estimated number to be made?
A: I dunno. A thousand to start.

Q: Any thought toward the inserts on the CD?
A: It'll be pretty slim in that regard, I imagine.

Q: And how much of the score will be on the CD?
A: Every stinkin' bit.

SuperCruise to a Beta Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Many, many people have written to let us know that UbiSoft is now taking applications for the next stage of the Conquest: Frontier Wars beta. You can apply for the beta here. Conquest was a game developed by Digital Anvil, but dropped when Microsoft took over the company. As such, it is Concordia-tastic. You can find information about a WC mod for Conquest here.

Check Out the Gratha Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Brad McKinstry is working hard for the fans... he's developing 3D models of the various sprite based ships -- for use with the Vega Strike engine! Isn't that just the best model Gratha you've ever seen? He's captured the ship perfectly, in my opinion...

You'll Ralar-Far Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Unknown Enemy is currently afflicted with the virus that troubles all Wing Commander projects -- exams. They're slowly making progress, and can prove it with... a picture of a Ralari!

From: CIS Headquarters, Security Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Papogod terrorists seem hell-bent on destroying our space carriers. They've already destroyed one, the CIS Whatley, and are now attacking the CIS Stryker. We don't know what their ultimate goal is, but we are beginning to suspect the Kindred have some sort of secret alliance with them. She has plenty of fighters to protect her, but they are all rookies. We need you to go to Nav Point 20 and defend the Stryker from these pirates. Your skill is needed for this one, Ser Arris. Don't let us down.

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