SWC Character of the Day: Iceman Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Maverick. They call me Iceman. Don't let Knight fool you. The Scimm's a gun-heavy slug. Forget finesse ... just head straight in, guns blaring. Give me a ship that takes skill... A Raptor, even a Hornet... ...or one of those new Rapiers... If half of what they say is true, the Rapier's a true artist's ship.

Trailer on the Way! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Dan Choina is embarking on a Wing Commander movie project that certainly interests me! He says it best... we'll let you know when he posts more!
Hi there,
Name's Dan Choina. Or more well known online as RoboDan!

I want to say that I'm very pleased with the way that the CIC has been operating. I've been a WC fan for many a year, and I greatly appreciate all the work you guys put into the site!

I just wanted you guys to know that I'm currently working on a fan made trailer and TV spot for Wing Commander. Yes, even though many WC fans didn't like the film, I did. And I always wanted to show my respect by making a trailer for it. Hopefully I'll have it done sometime this week, in which I'll send you a confirmation email. I'll host it up on my site, which currently has some other fanmade trailers on there.

If you'd like to take a look, you can find it at www.crosswinds.net/~robodan/

Thanks for your time. And thanks for aiding us WC fans out there!

Talon Responses Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Can't tell a Pirate Talon from your left arm? You're not alone -- no one won the GOLD STAR (not, however, for lack of trying)! Well, here are the answers. Drum-roll please...

  1. Unknown Ship (Privateer 2)
  2. Gratha (Super Wing Commander)
  3. Talon (Privateer, Church of Man)
  4. Talon (Privateer, Militia)
  5. Talon (Privateer, Pirate)

Carrier Me Away Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Remember that new design for a carrier WC Wraith made? Well, remember it, it's dead... wait, no -- now you can download the 3D model! It was created by Derrin Proctor, based on an original design by WC Wraith. Download it here (200k)...

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