SWC Character of the Day: Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Hello, mon ami. I hope the flight goes well for you and all the others on the Concordia. I am about to set out for a covert operation with Admiral Tolwyn. So I'm afraid we might be apart a little longer. But always remember: je t'aime,.. I love you...

Chris Roberts Returns Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

SciFi.com answers a question that's been on all our minds of late: What ever happened to Mister Roberts? This article reports that he has created his own LA-based production company, Point of No Return. Their first project is called "Earthfall", a futuristic Mars movie budgeted at forty to sixty million dollars. Roberts' company plans "to produce twelve films over the next five years, as well as TV series and interactive projects". Lets just hope he's given a chance to dance with the girl that brought him... Thanks to all who reported this.

Beta You'll Like This... Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

After a very exciting lead-up, the Invasion Beta has been released! This version, 1.0d, includes a full conversion of one of Star Trek: Armada's factions to the Terran Confederation. You can download the mod here (5 megs), and additional music here (10 megs).

Help the Little Guys Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

DRAsvitt has sent three more pictures of his tiny little ships... the Broadsword, Rapier II and the mysterious Black Lance carrier. He's also got a very reasonable request...
Unfortunately, all of my attempts at creating molds to reproduce the Wing Commander ships have met with failure. Thanks to everyone who sent me e-mails to offer suggestions or to express interest. I'm about to run out of the Galoob Micro Machine display stands that I use to make the framework of the WC ships. If anyone out there has a lot of display stands and you would like to trade them to me for WC ships please e-mail me. The number of display stands you have for trade and the ship(s) you want will affect the deal we make since some ships are very easy to make and others are very, very hard (the Cerberus took me nine hours to make). Thank you everyone for your interest and the C.I.C. for posting my work.

Destination Names Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

GameSpy has an interview with Richard Garriott -- providing more information on his new game and company... including a list of some of the ex-Originites who now hang their hat at Desgination: Starr Long, Carly Staehlin, Jeremy Gaffney, Jay Lee, Bill Randolph, Todd Hayes, Dave Aldritch, Jason Beardsley, Scott Jones, Victor Meinhert, Jennifer Davis and Rick Holtrip.

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