HOT SEXY WC4 MODELS Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

WildCat has extracted all of the Wing Commander IV ship models (minus the jammer transport, which is MIA -- please help) for the WC Invasion mod... but he's also posted them for download for the general public! Grab the pack here (4.76 mb).

A Healthy Grasp of the Insane Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Hobbes checks in with another eerie quote pulled from today's headlines... this one is from an article at MSNBC.
"For now, the Air Force will remain the lead service responsible for space defense and warfare, but Rumsfeld and his fellow space commissioners held out the possibility that it would eventually make sense to create a separate branch of the military - the U.S. Space Force."

Talkin' 'Bout JumpGate Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Mark Asher's latest GameSpin at GameSpy is titled "Games You Will Want"; it includes this Wing Commander reference... (found by The Lancers Reactor).

A game that sounds a bit like Privateer but is set in a massively multiplayer game universe and isn't Freelancer? Who'd a thunk it? Netdevil might pull this off, though, and deliver the kind of experience we've wanted ever since Privateer was released years ago. Don't hold your breath while you're waiting for Freelancer.

Final Not The Last Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

As the saying goes, you can't keep a good man down -- Rylex is back to the WC community and has brought a new Final Conflict homepage with him! You can find the site located as part of -- it features "unreleased and secret" videos!

But Wait, There's More! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's even more ships from DRAsvitt -- this picture featurings the Behemoth and the SWC Dralthi! He reports that this will probably be the last update for a while -- he's going to be working on making molds so that he can sell replicas to the people who've shown interest therein.

Transparencies Bite Man Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's the latest highly-technical changes to Vega Strike, by HellcatV...

  • I just finished adding Transparency as an option to the mesh format (and the ability to specify a separate alpha file that would hold alpha (clearness) values in a 256 bit grayscale bitmap.
  • I added a weak optimizer to find adjacent triangles and hook 'em up.
  • ashieh finished a small converter that can transform from strippified(aka faster) .objf format to vegastrike... Unfortunate the strippifier clobbers texture coordinates. Perhaps I can fix it eventually. It's called Stripe, and is apparently the second oldest and greatest one out there.... if only it could preserve texture coordinates. (pending fix).
  • Also added checks for incorrectly specified quadrilaterals that have been causing trouble with some lazy formats. Quads that are not convex will be thrown out (divided into two triangles) ... geez how lazy.
  • There is also a nice util from nvidia that will strippify various models and respect the vertex cache on your card...considering using that... it apparently uses '.m' idea how that works...maybe I can convert to xml.

Zoned Out Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

What the heck happened to the WCZone? Here's the official line...

The ExS billing server has been updated; but unfortunately profiles were corrupted in transfer. Many squad names were swapped with the actual squad - or something like that. There is nothing amiss in the zone as far as security is concerned however it is always good to change your password regularly with the ?password= command. If there are any troubles just use the various squad commands to fix up any problems (like re-joining your squad, reseting your squad password and kicking any members of your squad that shouldn't be there[?squadjoin=(name):(password ?squadpassword=?squadlist and ?squadkick (player) are probably commands you will need.] ).

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I'm recovering from a particularly painful 36 hour essay-writing session... but there's only one final to go until I can get back to updating the CIC at my previous level of quality... Wish me luck!

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