Ace of Angels? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's a Wing Commander mention in an article at CDMag about a new MMP space-sim game, from our Delance...

Massively multiplayer gaming is currently stuck in a genre rut. Fantasy roleplaying is the king of this digital mountain, and while upcoming titles like Anarchy Online and Star Wars Galaxies will offer much-needed science fiction settings, they still won't allow players to hop into nimble fighters and blast their foes to atoms. Flying Rock Enterprises hopes to change this sorry state of affairs forever with its upcoming release of Ace of Angels, a massively multiplayer universe where Wing Commander veterans may find a new online home.

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I know it's not daily... and LOAF doesn't come from bread... but I digress: if the news seems a bit slow for the next week or so, it's because I've just started a new job and am moving into the dreaded finals week... I'm so very good at planning things! Anyway, I'll still update each day, but reports may be a bit lighter than usual...

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