Still Creating Worlds? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Interesting little note over at LumTheMad's -- an Origin employee apparently inadvertently let slip that he's working on "the next UO title"... effectively putting to rest rumors that EA would no longer use Origin to develop new software.

Mailbag #14 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Believe it or not, there's actually another mailbag -- you can watch Chris, Hades, Byydo and Death deal with the criminally stupid here -- all in good fun.

Petition Clarification Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

An important reminder about the Wing Commander Music Petition -- sign it only if you're interested in actually buying a Wing Commander 1 & 2 music CD... do not sign it if you don't want the CD, if you're trying to find a copy of Ultima VII or if you're the girlfriend of some guy who's cousin wants a copy. We're not looking for masses if signees -- we're trying to find out how many people are interested in buying the CD.

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