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LeHah needs you all to answer this very important question... for very important reasons! E-mail him your responses ASAP...
What do tracks would you fans want if EA lets Oldziey do an Orchestral CD? I'm listing a few below, if you can't think of the name (if its one of the existing MP3s), then tell the SPECIFIC scene in either WC 3, 4, or Prophecy.

1.) Opening Credits to Wing Commander 3, straight through to the landing on the Victory
2.) Scene where Prince Thrakhath sends the Heart of the Tiger Message in Wing Commander 3
3.) A single track for all the inflight music from WC3, including the Launch theme, the scamble theme and the landing theme, all orchestrated as if it were a film score. (In other words, isnt 4 minutes of 30 second cues, 2 seconds of silence, music cue, etc...the music compeltely flows)
4.) Breifing Music with Tolwyn over Project: Behemoth
5.) The Bar Music from WC3
6.) Briefing with Eisen before the Final Mission
7.) Melody of all the Bridge / Gunnery Station / Flight Station theme
8.) The Final Mission Theme
9.) Destruction of Kilrah / Meeting Melek / Kilrathi Truce
10.) WC 3 End Title Credits
11.) Opening Credits to WC4
12.) A track of all the WC4 inflight music orchestrated in the same way as track 3
13.) "The Milk Run" - Combination of the tracks where Catscratch is attacked by Confed forces over a satalite extraction. It plays the in-flight, the succeed and the failure music and score during the chewing out of Catscratch and Maniac on the Deck of the Intrepid.
14.) The Death of Vagabond
15.) The Arrival of the St Helens
16.) Arrival at Telemon
17.) Confronting Tolwyn / War Averted / Tolwyn Dies
18.) End Titles from WC4
19.) Combination of all the In-Flight music from WC Prophecy

The final track is a special one. George has said its a good idea, but he's so busy, he's not sure if he could do it. I asked him if he does do a WC Orchestral CD, to write one or maybe two new peices to some of the WC novels. I'd like to hear his version of the Battle of Earth, the Final Battle in "End Run" or the Cloak Chase in "Fleet Action"

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